
Curating pre-loved items for a more sustainable, vintage home.


About Lakyn at
The Nine Oh Six

When I’m not buying things for my home, I’m recycling and buying things for yours. If you’re looking for vintage decor or an overall vision for your home, I can give you both. If you love mid century furniture, vintage glass, wicker or brass as much as I do, I’ve got you covered.

I have a background in functional ceramics inspired by my thrifting obsession. I am captivated by finding new life, value, and joy from pre-loved items by giving them new life. Mass production has affected the way people value handmade objects. Joining the complete parallel of discarded items with the undervalued handmade brings them both in the spotlight of appreciation. By bringing together my two passions into one idea, I have created this page as a selling platform for these items.

I founded The Nine Oh Six to promote a more sustainable, environmentally conscious way to decorate my home. Through this page, I’m trying to frame thrift shopping as sensible rather than desperate, lessening any stigma attached to it. If everyone bought secondhand for an entire year, they would save enough water to supply California for 14 years.

One of my favorite aspects of thrifting is how personal of an experience it is. I love the thrill of thrifting-pulling out that vintage treasure after ruffling through piles of junk at goodwills, antique malls, and estate sales. It’s the discovery of something that is a little offbeat in the best way. As my style changes and evolves, so does my interior design. While bringing in new items, the amount of space I have is limited. Every item has had a life before me, I have given life and loved every item I’ve collected, but now it’s time for them to find their next life with you. I understand not everyone who values curated home decor and style has the time or vision to find those essential items that can make a space a home. The Nine Oh Six exists not only to provide you with sustainable items, but to show you how it has been used in my home and how it can be used in yours. So in the wise words of Macklemore, “pop some tags” at The Nine Oh Six.

Lakyn has a real eye for spotting the diamonds in the rough, I absolutely love the pieces I bought from her! I look forward to seeing all of her new finds!
— Brittany Rhodes

Pop some tags at The Nine Oh Six!

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